The Hill and Moorland Leader is designed for people who want to lead groups in the hill and moorland areas of the UK and Ireland in summer conditions.

Course Director

All courses must be delivered by an approved course director. For course director responsibilities please see the Leadership Award Quality Manual.

Scope of the award

The Hill and Moorland Leader scheme trains and assesses candidates in the skills required to lead others on walks in hill and moorland areas that fit ALL of the following criteria:
  • Open, uncultivated, non-mountainous high or remote country known variously as upland, moor, bog, fell, hill or down.
  • Areas enclosed by well-defined geographical or man-made boundaries such as classified roads (areas that merge with mountain regions and do not have well defined boundaries are excluded).
  • Areas of remoteness that are easily exited in a few hours, returning to a refuge or an accessible road.
  • Areas where movement on steep or rocky terrain is not required (in either a planned or unplanned situation).

Candidate Registration

  • At least 18 years old.
  • A year’s worth of experience of hill walking.
  • An interest in leading groups in the hills.


Candidate Requirements

  • Registered on the scheme.
  • Candidates should have personally undertaken and logged a minimum of 20 hill walking days in appropriate terrain prior to attending a training course.

Minimum Course Duration

  • 30 hours.
  • Delivered in a 3 day programme.
  • Programme can be split into 2 x 2 day events delivered within a three-month period.

Group Size

  • 2 candidates minimum (temporary change)
  • 12 candidates maximum.

Staffing Ratio

  • 1 staff : 6 candidates.

Additional Course Staff Award

Mountain Leader or higher. Please see course staff requirements in the Quality Manual area for further guidance.


Candidate Requirements

  • Attended a Hill and Moorland Leader training course (or have been granted exemption)
  • Be familiar with the syllabus.
  • Have completed and logged a minimum of 40 different walks in at least three different upland areas.
  • Hold a current first aid certificate, minimum 16 hours and relevant to the work of a Hill and Moorland Leader.
  • It is not essential for candidates to hold a reference to complete the assessment.

Minimum Course Duration

  • 30 hours.
  • Delivered in a 3 day programme.
  • Programme can be split into 2 x 2 day events delivered within a one-month period.

Group Size

  • 2 candidates minimum (temporary change)
  • 12 candidates maximum.

Staffing Ratio

  • 1 staff : 4 candidates.

Additional Course Staff Award

Mountain Leader or higher. Please see Course Staff Requirements in the Leadership Award Quality Manual for further guidance.

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